Artist Statement

Due to my background as a Graphic Designer, the bulk of my work was mostly generated by images captured and manipulated digitally. It then evolved by taking a step back from the computer as the dominant tool. Combining watercolors, doodles, and collage based media allowed me to marry the notion of natural organic elements with the idea of the machine as tool.

The machine, in some form or fashion, is omnipresent in today’s contemporary culture. My work has evolved to incorporate letterpress printing. Working with letterpress allows me to incorporate the old with the new. My newest works utilize millennial tweets printed by hand as well as letterpress printed collages that explore this idea of over-consumption of technology and media. By combining the means of new communication with old technology, I hope to create a subtle sense of humor and irony in my work.

Inspired by observations and streaming thoughts, my work explores a series of questions: Where do our minds go when we’re overwhelmed by our daily routine, pop-culture ideations, and social media streams? Do we realize how much information we actually consume? Can we create alternate narratives from all of this information? The visuals I generate are answers or explorations of these constantly revolving questions and are also influenced by contemporary culture and society and my experiences as an “old millennial.” Most recently, newer works also explore these questions in relation to my observation and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.